Submarine Model – Hasegawa 1/72 Manned Research Submersible

This is a Hasegawa 1/72 scale assembly and painting required plastic model kit of the Manned Research Submersible Shinkai 6500, a Japanese deep-submergence research vessel.

Model kit features: Kit features multipart full hull with engraved panel lines, rotatable propulsion screw in pivoting main thruster assembly, clear-molded view portholes, detailed external appendages (horizontal thrusters, camera array, sample baskets and remote manipulator arms), finely molded hull fittings, removable ballast and display stand.

Molded in white, orange-yellow and clear; completed model is approximately 5.4″ long. Includes 6-view painting guide and decals for hull markings and stand nameplate.

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submarine madel hasegawa

Filed Under: Submarine Models Replicas Miniatures

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