All Entries in the "Submarine Movies DVD TV Blu Ray" Category
Submarine Documentary – Submariners: The Men of the Silent Service – Special Extended Edition Two DVD Collector Set

Submarine Documentary Movie
Special Two Disc DVD Set –
for Mature Audiences )
“This is the BEST submarine documentary
I have ever seen.”
– Fred Reker
( Diesel Submarine Veteran – USS Razorback)
“Truly, a work of art.”
– Gordon Palmer / National Editor
American Submariner Magazine
Provocative… Unscripted… Revealing !
The feature Submarine Documentary Movie about the men who served in the Silent Service.
From Diesel Submarine Sailors to the record breaking triumphs of the USS Nautilus to the tragedy of the
USS Scorpion to the Cold War monsters of the deep …
From the height of drama to the salty humor of the Submariners, this feature length Submarine Documentary explores the common threads that bind the members of the Silent Service.
This is a special, extended US Submarine Veteran edition. Two DVDs packed with fascinating special features. Including exclusive featurettes and interesting and humorous outtakes.
“As a collector of submarine artifacts, photos, and films …
… I thought I had seen most of the available vintage submarine film footage.
The new material found in this documentary is nothing short of unbelievable.
Even the most seasoned submarine veteran will enjoy the previously unseen footage in this film.”
Submarine Movies – Hell And High Water – DVD
Submarine Movies – The Silver Fleet – Remastered Edition
Submarine Movies Collection DVD Set – Enemy Below / Submarine X-1 / Run Silent, Run Deep
Submarine Movie – K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)
Submarine Movie – Gray Lady Down – DVD – Charlton Heston
Submarine Movie – The Enemy Below – DVD
Submarine Documentary – Submarine: Hidden Hunters
Submarine Documentary – Submarine: Steel Boats – Iron Men
The filmmakers also spent time trying to understand the character and personality that allows someone to become a submariner. They looked at training, family life, background, etc. The viewer visits a ” wet trainer” at Sub School to see what these submariners must endure before they ever climb inside one of these remarkable ships.
Who are these men, who live confined in a steel tube deep in the ocean for months at a time, surrounded by a hostile environment, in constant danger? What do they do and why do they do it?