Submariner Reviews of the Submarine Movie Feature Documentary – “Submariners: The Men of the Silent Service”

“I give it five stars — MUST SEE !

USSVI NSVC (National Senior Vice Commander) Jon Jaques

“This is the BEST submarine documentary

I have ever seen.”

– Fred Reker ( SubVet USS Razorback)

“Our verdict: Fantastic!”

– Ronald Sorjonen / Submarine Veteran
SS 420 USS Tirante / Redfish Base


“As a collector of submarine artifacts, photos, and films, I thought I had seen most of the available vintage submarine film footage.

The new material found in this documentary is nothing short of unbelievable.

Even the most seasoned submarine veteran will enjoy some of the previously unseen footage in this film.”

USSVI NSVC (National Senior Vice Commander)
Jon Jaques

A true cinematic treat for the eyes and ears. Stunning imagery and music. Fantastic historic footage. All enhancing the sometimes dramatic, sometimes hilarious, always interesting and revealing true life of the submariner.

“The movie’s impressive. It has something for everyone. Submariners, sometimes with emotions, tell their stories of what it was like to serve our country and of duty first.”

– Jim Sandman / Nuclear Submarine Service (USN Ret)

“This is one of those must see to appreciate films
that we hear about all the time from Hollywood.

It brought back memories of being back on the boats.

Truly, a work of art.”

Gordon Palmer / National Editor
American Submariner Magazine / USSVI

We received this very nice (and unsolicited) letter from a Submarine Veteran and his wife who served on the Diesel-Electric Submarine USS Tirante (a WWII fighting American Submarine that served in the fleet for many decades after the war it was built for) ~

“Dear Mr. Rollo,

Well, we saw the movies…here is our “verdict”: fantastic….it is a very well assembled story regarding the submarine service, and the tales by the individual submariners are priceless.

You get our vote for a job well done. We shall spread the word to our Redfish Base members to order the set as well. They won’t be disappointed.”

– Gisela and Ron Sorjonen (FT2 SS 420 – USS Tirante)


Click below for ordering information at American Family Mall:

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